Punches and politics
Clark seniors study how superheroes frame contemporary issues
The Political Science Department offers courses that explore some of the most important questions of concern to citizens in countries all over the world: Why are some governments stable and others not? How do individuals and groups gain and maintain power? How do public policies affect citizens’ lives — and how can citizens affect those policies? Our community of scholars examines these questions, and more.
As a political science major, you’ll explore this dynamic subject across three crucial areas — American politics and public policy, comparative politics, and international relations — in the context of a foundational liberal arts education.
Faculty and students research a range of political science topics. Students are encouraged to conduct research, whether on their own, as part of a small team, or in collaboration with faculty, and can apply for funding for their independent work.
Clark political science majors frequently secure internships in local and state government offices, through the Washington, D.C. semester program, or as part of a study abroad experience, and go on to careers in local, state, and national government, international and community organizations, business, journalism, and education.
Clark seniors study how superheroes frame contemporary issues
Judge Margaret Guzman ’89 joins the federal bench
Clark University’s A team earned 1st place at the annual Cougar Classic
Clark students drive sexual assault education efforts in both countries
Jefferson Academic Center, Third floor, Room 302
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610